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Man Alive

Feb 4, 2021

Today's Man Alive podcast guests, Dominick Quartuccio and Bryan Stace, are the founders of the Great Man Within Podcast and community. Each has their own story of resisting men's groups, but fast forward a few years and each has found incredible support, strength and freedom as they've joined communities of men.  

Many men have "shoot the shit over beers" relationships, or "hang out and play sports" relationships with other men in their lives. And it's common, when men first hear about men's groups, to think "hell no, I don't want any of that emotional shit," or "No way am I going to 'open up' about my struggles or secrets with other men.”

Whether it's a men's group, or hanging out with men in a way that goes beyond shooting the shit, time with men is vital to your well-being and success as a man.

 In this conversation we talked about:

  • The sense of emptiness or deadness men, who are doing everything they thought they should, often feel 
  • Why taking the lone-wolf path is slower and less effective than being part of a community of men
  • The power of seeing another man express emotions and realizing you're not the only one who feels that way
  • Why men resist joining communities of men 
  • The role of competition in both men's success AND unhappiness

Connect with Dominick and Bryan

 Connect with Shana James


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